$SQW Mining
You can earn $SQW by staking NFTs earned in the Mystery Pack into $SQW Mining.
Rewards are paid per block, like a liquidity pool. This means that players do not need funds to generate liquidity; they will be rewarded $SQW simply for NFT staking.
Mining Power
Mining power of each NFT is as follows
Unlocking Rule
There are two types of tokens that can be earned through mining. The "$SQW" and the "Locked $SQW."
There are two types of tokens that can be earned through mining. The "$SQW" and the "Locked $SQW."
The ratio of "$SQW" to "Locked $SQW" in the first week is 3:97.
The ratio of "$SQW" increases by 2% for each week.
The locked amount will be unlocked after the 50th week and over the course of one year.
50% of the locked amount can be unlocked by Burn of LEGENDARY NFT.
Mining Emissions
Last updated